The Cheese Man

Oct 20, 2013

Like a siren calling to fishermen, his melodious voice and sonnet enchant me. He stretches out the words as he sings  Kaaaay – soooooo,   Waaaa haa kaaa (Queso Oaxaca).  From my second story window I look out and see a man dressed all in white, walking barefoot, balancing an enormous box of cheese on his head.

In Mexico, there is a guy for everything ~ a water guy, a propane guy, a machete sharpener guy, an IMG_7650empanada guy, a churro guy. At various times during the day they pass through the street blasting music from giant speakers attached to cars, or pedaling a bike while singing or clapping or whistling to let people know that they are selling their wares. The new IMG_7638song I heard this morning dances around in my head throughout the day and I find myself looking forward to tomorrow when I will run out, pesos in hand, make a new friend and eat some delicious homemade cheese.

The cheese man never did pass by my house again. I heard rumors that the doctor told him he wasn’t allowed to walk the streets barefoot anymore and now he dons tennis shoes and rides a tricycle. Perhaps like the illusive mythical creatures of the sea, the cheese man was only an apparition, but like the sailors and fisherman from centuries ago,  I will continue to look out my window, watch and wait.



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